Saturday, February 04, 2006

ISB Interview Experience

I reached the venue at 1:45. The interview was scheduled for 2:30 pm. Met a few other aspirants. The essay question was "Tsunami". I was called in around 2:35.

The interview panel consisted of someone from faculty, and two other persons. One of the two other persons was definitely an alumnus, and the second person was either an alumnus or a current student.

The panel introduced themselves and I did the same.

  1. Tell us about your career progression, Why MBA, Why ISB?
  2. Which other schools are you applying to?
  3. Tell us about your Leadership and Teamwork experiences.
  4. Estimate the number of resumes posted on
  5. What are the challenges that you face at work?
  6. You are general manager of a retail chain considering opening a retail store in India? What are the things you will do? Later the question turned around to how will you get customers into the store?
  7. What is the role you want post MBA?
  8. How will you sell an IT product to an organization?

The total interview time lasted around an hour. There were a lot of follow up questions to the answers I gave. Overall it was not a straight forward interview. I was not allowed to complete my answers to a number of questions and cross-questioning started in the middle of my answers. I was asked to continue my answers after cross-questioning resulting is loss of context and chain of thoughts. Because of this I am not sure about how I did.

Will I get through? Well… I would like to.... But, I don't know... Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best...