Term 5 subjects
My subjects for Term 5 are:
Sales Management
Managing IT in Information Intensive Organizations
Options and Futures
Some other subjects that I wanted to take include:
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Technology and Business Innovation
Marketing of Services
Marketing Research
Apart from Options and Futures all others courses have been great learning experience. We have only had two classes of Options and Futures so I am not sure as to how will it turn out.
Also, once in the Elective terms we choose our own study groups. On the face of it this is great, however, for people like me who do not plan a lot in advance this caused a few problems. I am a member of 3 different groups for the courses, I have another group for PaEV (Planning and Entrepreneurial Venture), a group for interview prep etc, and another group for participating in B-School competitions. The difficult part is that the number of common persons across these groups is rather low. So one needs to coordinate with around 25 other peers, this can be a nightmare because of differing priorities. I am learning to traverse the maze!
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